The word 'berkana' means growth, rebirth, a new beginning. The salon is an environment where clients can leave everything behind, relax, and rejuvenate.

Here at Berkana, our team encourages each other to further our talents on a daily basis. Our main focus is to bring diversity with out limitation

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Owner/Senior stylist

Products I cannot live without: “Hair oil is the primer to have for  -  any natural, touchable, healthy blowout style”

Favourite hairstyle: “Soft, modern, asymmetrical styles”

Favourite season: “Winter. The blanket of white snow allows me to slow down and reflect”

In my free time: “I enjoy travelling and experiencing different cultures. While on my travels, I am inspired by visiting salons”

Languages: French & English



The reason I’m becoming a hairstylist: I’ve always explored different forms of art and I’m looking forward to a career in which I can help people express their creativity.

Favourite hairstyle: Long curly hairstyles

Hobbies: Love playing music, singing, sketching, design and cooking. 

Languages: English, Spanish & some French

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Product I cannot live without: Kevin Murphy Session Spray, to softly hold hot-tool styles

Who was you childhood mentor: My grade school teacher, Mr. Lee. He was fantastic at engaging his students, and also very kind.

Why do I enjoy being a hairdresser: Getting to talk with a diverse clientele

Favourite holiday: Halloween! I get to fully express my creativity.

Favourite style: Formal up-doos


We have room in our salon to add one passionate person. 

When you're the right fit the world is our oyster!